The Future of Content Creation

Auto Generate High-Quality Articles for Your WordPress Blogs with ArticleGen's AI-Powered Writing Platform

How to get started

Follow the steps below to start

Experience a seamless and efficient approach to generating captivating content for your WordPress blog. ArticleGen simplifies the process in just five easy steps.

Add a Blog

Easily integrate your WordPress blog with ArticleGen by adding it to our platform. Connect multiple blogs and manage them all from one centralized location. By connecting your blog, you'll unlock a world of automated article generation that will save you time and effort.

Config Blog

Customize your blog settings to align with your niche and target audience. Specify blog categories, tags, and other relevant parameters to optimize article generation. Tailor the content to fit your blog's unique style and enhance its overall appeal.

Setup AI Tool

Harness the power of our advanced AI tool to fine-tune your article generation experience. Configure the AI settings to meet your specific requirements. Define the tone, style, and desired word count for your articles. Our intuitive interface empowers you to have full control over the generated content.

Activate AI

Once you've set up your preferences, it's time to sit back and relax. Activate the AI engine, and watch as it springs into action, crafting high-quality articles for your blog. Our AI-driven solution leverages the latest technologies to generate well-structured, engaging content that resonates with your readers.

Our features

This is what you get

Harness the potential of AI-generated articles, customize content to your brand, schedule automated publishing, manage WordPress blogs effortlessly, and unlock a new level of efficiency in content creation.

WordPress Integration

Connect your WordPress blogs via the WordPress API, ensuring a secure and streamlined integration process that saves you time and simplifies content management.

Advanced AI-Powered

Harness the capabilities of the ChatGPT AI API to generate high-quality, tailored articles that captivate readers, providing you with intelligent and engaging content for your blogs.

Fully Customizable

Take full control of your content by customizing AI commands, niche, tone, style, and AI tokens. Shape the narrative to align perfectly with your unique blogging requirements.

Flexible Scheduling

Tailor your publishing strategy by scheduling article generation at your preferred intervals - every 30 minutes, hourly, daily, or weekly - ensuring a consistent flow of fresh content that keeps your audience engaged.

Publishing Options

Manage your content by choosing to publish articles immediately, save them as drafts, or schedule them for future publication. Maintain a well-organized content calendar and execute your content strategy with precision.

Effortless Editing

Effortlessly edit and republish existing articles, ensuring your blogs stay up to date. Refine and update content with ease, allowing your blog to reflect your evolving vision and maintaining a fresh and engaging reader experience.

Our pricing

Affordable pricing

Discover our straightforward and competitive pricing options tailored to meet your article generation requirements. Choose the plan that suits you best and unlock the power of AI-driven content creation with ease.



USD / month

  • Connect 1 Wordpress Blog
  • 50 Articles Per Month
  • Supports ChatGPT
  • Auto Generate Articles
  • AutoGen Interval: 30min
  • AutoGen Interval: hourly
  • AutoGen Interval: daily
  • AutoGen Interval: weekly
  • Custom AI Commands
  • Select Writing Style
  • Select AI Temperature

ProGen Plus


USD / month

  • Connect 10 Wordpress Blogs
  • 1000 Articles Per Month
  • Supports ChatGPT
  • Auto Generate Articles
  • AutoGen Interval: 30min
  • AutoGen Interval: hourly
  • AutoGen Interval: daily
  • AutoGen Interval: weekly
  • Custom AI Commands
  • Select Writing Style
  • Select AI Temperature

EliteGen Ultra


USD / month

  • Connect 50 Wordpress Blogs
  • 2000 Articles Per Month
  • Supports ChatGPT
  • Auto Generate Articles
  • AutoGen Interval: 30min
  • AutoGen Interval: hourly
  • AutoGen Interval: daily
  • AutoGen Interval: weekly
  • Custom AI Commands
  • Select Writing Style
  • Select AI Temperature



USD / year

  • Connect 1 Wordpress Blog
  • 50 Articles Per Month
  • Supports ChatGPT
  • Auto Generate Articles
  • AutoGen Interval: 30min
  • AutoGen Interval: hourly
  • AutoGen Interval: daily
  • AutoGen Interval: weekly
  • Custom AI Commands
  • Select Writing Style
  • Select AI Temperature

ProGen Plus


USD / year

  • Connect 10 Wordpress Blogs
  • 1000 Articles Per Month
  • Supports ChatGPT
  • Auto Generate Articles
  • AutoGen Interval: 30min
  • AutoGen Interval: hourly
  • AutoGen Interval: daily
  • AutoGen Interval: weekly
  • Custom AI Commands
  • Select Writing Style
  • Select AI Temperature

EliteGen Ultra


USD / year

  • Connect 50 Wordpress Blogs
  • 2000 Articles Per Month
  • Supports ChatGPT
  • Auto Generate Articles
  • AutoGen Interval: 30min
  • AutoGen Interval: hourly
  • AutoGen Interval: daily
  • AutoGen Interval: weekly
  • Custom AI Commands
  • Select Writing Style
  • Select AI Temperature


Learn more about our sevices

Get quick answers to commonly asked questions about ArticleGen. Learn how it works, connect multiple blogs, schedule article generation, customize content, ensure data security, and access support for a seamless experience.

ArticleGen utilizes advanced AI technology, specifically the ChatGPT API, to generate articles for your WordPress blogs. The AI analyzes your blog preferences, topics, and desired settings to create high-quality, engaging content.
You have the flexibility to schedule article generation as per your preference. Choose from options such as every 30 minutes, 1 hour, daily, or weekly. ArticleGen ensures a steady stream of content based on your chosen intervals.
With ArticleGen, you have full control over the generated content. While the AI handles the writing process, you can review, edit, and modify the articles as needed before publishing them on your blog.
We provide comprehensive support to assist you with any questions or concerns. You can reach out to our support team by simply submitting a support ticket through our Support Ticket system.
Absolutely! ArticleGen allows you to connect and manage multiple WordPress blogs from a single account. Simply add each blog to your ArticleGen dashboard and configure their individual settings.
Yes, you can! During the setup process, you can configure various parameters such as tone, style, and word count. This customization allows the generated articles to align perfectly with your blog's unique voice and requirements.
We prioritize the security and privacy of our users' data. We employ robust security measures to protect your information and ensure that your blog content remains confidential.
Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. We offer flexible subscription plans, and you have the freedom to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your subscription as per your needs.

Experience the Future of Content Creation

Saved thousands of dollars by leveraging AI-powered article generation instead of developing content from scratch